The CSCA (College Students Central Association) is constituted in the college in order to provide a platform to address the students’ problems and to inculcate leadership qualities among the students, in accordance with the HPU/ SPU instructions. It is a nominated body of the students composed of the President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary and Class Representatives. CSCA is elected on the basis of merit. The election process is in accordance with the guidelines by Lyngdoh Committee.

  • Lyngdoh Committee Link
  • Composition of CSCA for the session 2024-25
    Sr. No. Name of the student Class Office Bearers
    1 Palak Negi BA III President
    2 Palak Sharma BA III Vice-President
    3 Rajni Rana BA II Secretary
    4 Tanya Sharma BA I Joint-Secretary
    5 Pushpa Kumari BA III NCC(girls)
    6 Sushant Chhinta BA III NCC(boys)
    7 Payal BA II C&S(girls)
    8 Rinku BA II C&S(boys)
    9 Anuj BA III NSS(boys)
    10 Tamanna BA III NSS(girls)
    11 Anuj BA II Sports(boys)
    12 Payal BA I Sports(girls)
    13 Vishal Kanta BA III Rovers
    14 Kriti BA II Rangers
    15 Sakshi BA II Cultural(girls)
    16 Joginder Sharma BA II Cultural(boys)
    17 Neha Chauhan BA III CR
    18 Rohit Chauhan BA II CR
    19 Pradeep Thakur BA I CR
    20 Ankita Rana B.Com I CR