Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
A PTA general house meeting was called on 18-09-2024 fro the constitution of the executive council of PTA for the session 2024-2025. all the parents/guardians who attended the general house were entered in PTA general house sheet with the details pf their ward.
Composition of PTA for the session 2024-25
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Karam Dutt Chairman
2 Sh. Jaipal Rana President
3 Sh. Kewal Sharma Vice-President
4 Prof. Karan Mohil Secretary
5 Sh. Lal Singh Singta Joint-Secretary
6 Sh. Subhash Rana Treasurer
7 Sh. Ved Prakash Chief-Advisor
8 1. Sh. Dinesh Thakur
2. Sh. Sumitra Sharma
Technical Members
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